Geriatricians are physicians expertly trained to evaluate and manage the health needs and treatment preferences of older people. Academic geriatrics programs and fellowship opportunities at accredited medical schools make that training possible.
Through its work with the American Geriatrics Society (AGS), ADGAP advances academic geriatrics and and supports geriatrics program and fellowship directors training the workforce we need as we age.
Learn more about our work developing training requirements and competencies for geriatrics trainees, as well as our efforts to expand geriatrics’ presence in the fabric of medical education.
Training Requirements for Future Geriatricians
As current and future geriatricians expand the skill sets necessary to evaluate and manage our health needs and preferences, ensuring those skills are reflected in medical education remains key. Learn more about our work advancing training requirements for geriatrics fellows, trainees, and clinicians across health specialties.
Match & ERAS Information
In 2013, Geriatric Medicine joined the Match, which places medical students in residency and fellowship programs across the U.S. Learn more about AGS and ADGAP efforts to encourage Match participation among accredited medical schools and aspiring geriatricians.
Medicine-Geriatrics Integrated Residency and Fellowship
In 2020, the ACGME approved the AGS/ADGAP Medicine-Geriatrics Integrated Residency and Fellowship Advancing Innovation in Residency Education (AIRE) Proposal for Implementation.
With support from the AGS and ADGAP, several health disciplines have formalized geriatrics competencies to support the current and future workforce we need as we age. Learn more about how we assess capabilities in geriatrics care.
Career Pathways
Whether you're a nurse, pharmacist, physician, physician assistant, social worker, or other type of healthcare professional, a career in geriatrics can take many forms, just as it can offer many rewards. Geriatrics professionals provide care to older adults, but they also teach in health professions schools, conduct research, educate policymakers, and oversee administration at a variety of healthcare institutions. Explore these career pathways to learn more about the variety of ways you can make geriatrics your professional home.
Training Requirements & Careers for the Interprofessional Workforce
In addition to geriatricians, the workforce older adults need includes nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, social workers, and many others with unique skills and training. Learn more about the professionals who lead high-quality, person-centered care for us all as we age.
AGS/ADGAP Leadership & Life Skills Curriculum
The AGS/ADGAP Leadership & Life Skills Curriculum is a self-guided course geared to geriatrics fellows and early career health professionals, focused on enhancing & developing the skills needed throughout their career.